
I haven't made a playable or usable anything in...decades? I took a few programming courses in high school and community college and those were, heh yeah, decades ago. I've tried many times since...attempting a few game jams. Well, CONGRATULATIONS! This is the first game jam I've successfully made a 'playable' project for AND submitted.

Now to apologize for this monstrosity ;P 

So, there is this tomato plant ya and it doesn't want to be eaten by snails see... So it shoots seeds at those nasty snails every so often, even hitting one now and again. The best part is you can help! Every four seeds that the tomato plant shoots you will be able to place a puddle on the playable 'ground' area. This puddle will slow any snails that enter so place your puddles well. The extra bonus of puddles is if a seed kills a snail in a puddle it will sprout a new tomato plant. This new plant will increase the fire rate of the main tomato plant...but it will also spawn three more snails...weird!

If the snails become too much for you and your tomato plants to handle never fear because I took our theme places (maybe?) no one else has. You see..."failure" is really just a horrible choice of a word for "learning experience". heh, well, that was the idea anyway...the game itself sorta went the mother nature route in that...well, to wrap this up sooner rather than nature failure can be death and dead things often make food for other things... You'll see...maybe...I hope... ;P 

Published 17 days ago

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